
Cellulite: 5 treatments that improve skin quality

Cellulite: 5 treatments that improve skin quality

Are you looking for treatments that improve skin quality and soften cellulite? We can help you!

Foto: Unsplash

Dermatologist Dr. Abdo Salomão Jr., a member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, explains that ATRIA has Intermittent Radial Coagulation to deliver pulsed ultra-focused ultrasound energy, with the same effectiveness and less pain, in a protocol of four treatments every 15 days. “This treatment acts on the fat, reducing its volume, in addition to breaking the fibrotic beams that pull the skin inward and causing those holes, and also improves surface tension, causing tissue retraction, also treating sagging. With this, there is a restructuring of the tissues, with a consequent improvement in cellulite and the appearance of the skin as a whole”, argues Dr. Abdo. If there is a need for muscle stimulation, the doctor recommends T Sculptor sessions, which promotes 30,000 supramaximal contractions every half hour, resulting in muscle hypertrophy and muscle redesign, according to the doctor.

Electroderme’s robotic microneedling now also acts on cellulite, as the needles act at a depth that was developed to reach fat. “In other words, with a depth of 3.5mm, the microneedle radiofrequency of the Electroderm is capable of passing through the epidermis, the dermis and superheating the fat to treat the most superficial cellulite. It is a new resource in which, in a minimally invasive way, it makes clots in the most superficial part of the fat and improves the appearance of cellulite in a few sessions”, says Dr. Abdo Salomão.


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